Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.Dear readerWe see that the demand for printed books as well as PDF books is increasing day by day. For research and other needs, people now study through technology such as mobile and computer. In this case, we have created an app called Islamia Library for their better cooperation.Dear readerThe services you receive in our app,(1) You can read the Holy Quran by looking at it(2) All original (like) PDF books of Qawmi Madrasa(3) All notes of Qawmi Madrasa (removed) PDF book(4) PDF books with all types of Tafsir, Mool, Sara(5) PDF books with all types of fatwas, original, sara(6) All types of dictionaries, (Logat) PDF books(6) All types of Islamic, (Life God) PDF book(6) All kinds of questions, suggestions, (Madrasa) PDF booksIn addition, we will upload any book on our app at the request of the customers, InshaAllah,Dear readerAll the PDF books that we have uploaded to our app are not made by us. We have just saved them from different websites and presented them to you through our app.Dear readerOur Islamia Library Nakam app is available to study for free. Besides, you will not get any annoying and original ads from this app.Dear readerWe are optimistic about this “Islamia Library”Inshallah you will get the app as a friend in the educational life and we want you to share our Unrood app with your relatives and friends.Encourage everyone.Dear readerIf you like our Islamia Library app, your positive rating for religious purposes is our encouragement and inspiration.Will work and help other users make the right decision.B. D.Your important feedback about the Islamia Library appAbsolutely desirable. Feel free to send us your emailOn the basis of this, I will take urgent steps for the development and modification of the app, Inshallah.May Allah accept the hard work of all of us. Whose tireless work is made Maulana Usman Gani